Comercio Exterior y Conexos Asociados S.C


Contact us and let us know your questions or comments. .

You can send your questions or comments, requests for advice, as we do their paperwork and we get in touch with you. To CEYCA is important that we are in constant communication.

If you have further questions, you can complete the Contact Information and we will contact you shortly.

  1. Frequently Asked Questions

    For export in the pattern necessary to import ?
    No need to export processed the Ministry of Economy and the SAT provide all facilities to the exporters the only requirement is that they are current with their taxes.

    How long does the procedure for registration of the assignment given to the broker?
    Usually 48 hours the General Administration of Customs authorized SATA sent digitally record directly to the importer.

    What documents are required for the Customs Broker holds the charge of Customs Clearance?

  2. Act incorporated the company granting the charge.
  3. Identification of the legal representative.
  4. Proof of address up to date three months old.
  5. High finance company granting the charge.
  6. Letter on letterhead and signed by the legal representative of where the parcel is given to the broker.

    Is it necessary to have the list of importers to store the goods from a tax warehouse?
    No. There is an option as the RFC with which clears the goods is the warehouse or bonded warehouse this is possible however we recommend the standard regularization and the importer can extract their belongings without restrictions.

    How is the movement certificate EUR you get to meet the export tariff preference?
    It is processed in the Ministry of Economy for the town nearest filling exporting formats with the information requested.

    What destinations have ships leaving the port of Altamira? Handled mainly to Europe and USA throughout the North Atlantic Ocean, has routes to ports in Asia crossing the Panama Canal, others also have the form of transfers to reach the final destination that require them.

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How can we help you ?

You can send any questions you like about our services ..

Contact us

Address: Calle Clavel Num. 112 Fracc. Villa de las Flores C.P 89603 Altamira Tamaulipas
Phone: +52 (833) 264-6858
Whatsapp: 8333840268

Comercio Exterior y Conexos Asociados S.C